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The joy of creating

Software, digitalization and virtual reality are some defining aspects of our present world. However, they should not distract from the fact that skilfully worked objects and handmade products are still a necessity of life for everyone. Even though machines have reduced the need for manual labour in many areas of manufacturing, skilled craftspersons are still in very high demand.

That being said, it should come as no surprise that in the 21st century jobs in crafts & construction are no longer exclusively about working cleverly with your hands. In fact, craftspeople use state-of-the-art digital technology to find new solutions and with an international mind-set they shape the world by realising their visions.

Jobs in crafts & construction are extremely versatile as you can specialize in an abundance of fields and work with a huge variety of different materials: e.g. wood, textiles, metal, glass, paper, ceramics or even electronic components. The choice is yours so take care to make the most of your preferences and skills.

In the economic region of Chemnitz, it's not just about building new cars in the big factories, but also about maintaining those already on the move - your skills and experience are in demand. The region is always on the move - conventional, hybrid or alternative drives - find your movement.

Whatever you pick, you’re going to need solid technical knowledge as well as some dexterity and a pinch of creativity. In general, there is a very fine line between craft and art. The most common distinction being that while art is created as a means of self-expression, a craft is executed in order to fulfil a practical need. However, another important difference is that as a craftsperson you actually care about other peoples’ opinion about your work. Eventually, all jobs in crafts & construction are about helping people in some way or another, so it’s your chance to pick up the tools of your choice and help improving the world – just a little, every day.

Find your job in crafts & construction. Here are some current vacancies from the Chemnitz economic area:

Find many more vacancies in the regional job boards for the regions Erzgebirge, Vogtland, Mittelsachsen as well as Chemnitz and Zwickau. Take a look and find your dream job in the crafts or in construction.

If you want to find out more about the crafts in Germany, have a look at handwerk.de.

image by Rainer Sturm / pixelio.de
